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ImageBrainGym under the tutorship and guidance of Brother Dominic Chong is beginning to make its impact on Malaysians. It is part of the comprehensive programme of Educational Kinesiology, a holistic approach to learning which enables people of all ages to more fully develop their potential in any area – concentration, memory, confidence and coordination. It consists of 26 quick, easy, task specific, fun movements that benefit learners of all ages. According to Brother Dominic:

“Movement is the door to learning! To live is to move. Life is ever changing, ever shifting  and ever demanding.  BrainGym teaches us how to move with our challenges, our dreams and our goals.”

BrainGym also greatly contributes to the enhancement of the quality of life of children, adults and those identified as "learning disabled".

At the request of the Pastoral Council of St. Thomas Church, Brother Dominic and his team will be in Kuantan, Pahang over the weekend of 11th and 12th March to conduct BrainGym Workshops for children (4 – 11 years) and for teenagers (12 – 19 years).  Response is totally encouraging as seats for the two classes for the day have been fully taken up. Brother Dominic will also be giving a public talk on BrainGym on Sunday 12th  prior to his return to Singapore the next day.

News from BrainGym Headquarters
Greetings from the Foundation Office!
It seemed like a good time to revisit this inspired piece of work done at a meeting of the Board of Directors back in 2004. 
These 5 points were established as the central Brain Gym(R) Principles:
1. Drawing Out: Intelligence is Inborn
2. Focus: Attention follows Intention
3. Notice: We Learn What We Actually Experience
4. Move to Learn: Growth is the Search for Balance
5. Interconnect: Each of Us is Affected By Every Other
This is from a parent and Brain Gym student of Licensed Instructor Pam Formosa:

Our son, Coby, was born with a diaphragmatic hernia & given only a 35% chance to live.  He had a number of operations before he was 2 years old.  He is now in the 4th grade.  We started noticing around two that he was extremely bright, but Colby was extremely sensitive to touch, taste, his environment, and especially noise.  We have so many pictures of him with his hands over his ears.

Kindergarten was a nightmare. We looked everywhere for help.  We had him evaluated for learning disorders, and received OT, speech & physical therapy. His sensitivities starting getting worse: tags on his shirt, loud noises, bugs, rain, different temperatures, etc.  Everything bothered him.
At age 8 he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.  We were constantly looking for ways to get him through the day without frequent meltdowns.  It seemed like we tried everything.
Then, during the summer of 2006, I heard about Brain Gym®.  At first, being skeptical, I did as much research as I possibly could.  Brain Gym made sense to me.  I contacted Pam Formosa of Pathways To Learning & signed up for the "Brain Gym® 101" three-day course.  My husband took it as well.  I fell in love with Brain Gym!  I came home & started doing the exercises with Colby and explained to him why & how Brain Gym works.  Colby too thought that it made sense, and then he started seeing it work! 
Pam started coming to our house for one-on-one Brain Gym sessions with Colby back in October.  Wow!  Colby has made so much progress.  He loves Brain Gym and he understands it!  He is able to get through most of his days at school without major meltdowns.  He has learned techniques from Brain Gym to notice "signs" of when he is on the verge of a meltdown, and he uses the exercises he has learned to stop the meltdown from happening and "stay in the loop".  Not only does Brain Gym help Colby with his anxiety and meltdowns, it has helped with his sensory issues as well.  Brain Gym has also helped Colby & I get closer as it gives the two of us something to do together to help each other out.  I love it when I am feeling stressed, and Colby says to me, "Mom, you look stressed.  Here is a hug.  Now, maybe we should do some Hookups."
Colby loves Brain Gym so much that he has been sharing it with his teachers and classmates.  Colby's teacher now does Brain Gym every morning with his entire class. He recently told me that he has noticed a difference in his classes' attention span since starting Brain Gym.
Pam, I can't thank you enough for your teaching us about Brain Gym.  Colby is a happier and healthier child because of it.  Brain Gym will definitely be part of our lives for a lifetime!  Thank you! 
Erika Boucher - mother of Colby, 9 - Mendon, Massachusetts 
Have a wonderful week.
With love,
Stephanie, Eve, Linda, Dawn Marie and Kari
International Educational Kinesiology Foundation
1575 Spinnaker Drive, Suite 204B
Ventura, California

Telephone: (805) 658-7942
Toll Free: (800) 356-2109
Fax: (805) 650-0524

Website: www.braingym.org
International Educational Kinesiology Foundation
1575 Spinnaker Drive, Suite 204B
Ventura, California

Telephone: (805) 658-7942
Toll Free: (800) 356-2109
Fax: (805) 650-0524

Website: www.braingym.org

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